- Web Development
- Data Analytics
- Data Science with AI
- Cyber Security
- Python
- Django
- C Language
- C++
- Java Training
- Data Structure
- Algorithm
- Front-end Development
- JavaScript, jQuery & Ajax
- React.js
- Node.js & Express.js
- Oracle
- MongoDb
- Tally Prime
- Advance Excel
- TDS & Payroll

Java Training
Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java plays a very vital role in the IT industry. Today's most commonly used Android is also a Java based application.
Course Name | Date & Time | Take Demos |
Advance Diploma in Computer Application with Taxation (ADCAT) | 14/12/2023 | View Details |
Python Offer Batch | 27/11/2023 | View Details |
Core JAVA(J2SE) | 12/12/2023 | View Details |
C Language | 11/12/2023 | View Details |
DS(Data Structure) | 12/12/2023 | View Details |
Where it is used?
- Desktop application
- Mobile application
- Robotics
- Web application
- Embedded system
- Games
- Enterprise applications
- Smart card
- ATM……Many more
- Life time validity (enroll one time and revise many times)
- Interaction with the best faculty and Industry Experts
- Small Batches to focus on each student
- We focus on both theoretical and practical approaches in a parallel way.
- You will be given the opportunity to work on a live project.
- Outdoor activities to boost your confidence.
- Presentation in class by the students.
Our Key Features:
- Good Quality Material Notes
- Smart Classes Available
- Online Test
- Chapter wise Assignments
- Offline And Online Classes
- Recorded class on Rays App
- Eminent faculties of the IT Industry( Amazon, Wal-Mart, Oracle, Microsoft..)
- Fully AC and Wi-Fi Campus.
- About Class and Object
- Overview of an object oriented feature
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction or Data Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Introduction to java
- Java Development Kit(JDK)/Software Development Kit(SDK)
- About Different version in java
- Java Run- time environment(JRE)
- Overview of java program types
- Java Application
- Applet
- About Environmental variables
- Path
- Classpath
- Compiling and Executing first Java Application
- Explain, Java virtual machine and it’s uses?
- Explain, Java a platform independent language?
- What is Byte code? Explain use of Byte code in java?
- Justify, Java a secured language?
- Justify, How java is a human language?
- Why Java is suitable for Internet?
- Differences between C++ and Java
- Explain the parts of Java?
- Explain the basic term of Java first application
- Explain the PrintStream class and it’s member
- Use print() and println() method
- Use of concatenation operator(+) in print() &println()
- Escape sequence character
- About variable
- naming convention of variable in java
- Data types in java
- Use printf() method
- format specifier
- difference between printf() of c and java
- About widening and narrowing conversion
- About truncation rule
- About promotion rule
- How overflow is handled in java
- Accepting a value from keyboard
- Use of read() method
- Use of readLine() method
- Accepting a numeric value from keyboard
- Use of valueOf() and datatypeValue() method
- Use of parseDatatype() method
- Use of Scanner class
- Arithmetic operators
- simple arithmetic operator
- increment(++) and decrement(--) operator
- Assignment operator
- single assignment operator
- compound/shortcut assignment operator
- multiple assignment operator
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Special operators
- Bitwise operators
- Priority of operators
- Conditional statement
- if else statement
- nested if else statement
- ternary operator
- switch case
- Looping structure
- while loop
- for loop
- do while loop
- Jump statement
- break
- continue
- return
- About array
- Difference between c++ and java in case of array
- for each loop
- command line argument
- Categorization of array
- One dimensional array
- numeric array
- character array
- string array
- Two dimensional array
- numeric array
- character array
- One dimensional array
- About String class
- String class method
- About StringBuffer class
- StringBuffer class methods
- About class
- About object
- About access specifier
- method overloading
- method calling
- call by value
- call by reference
- Use of constructor in java
- Use of garbage collector
- Explain the use of this reserved word
- Use of static reserved word
- Use of factory methods
- About inheritance
- Types of inheritance
- Use of protected access specifier in java
- Explain the concept of overriding and overridden method
- Use of super reserved word
- Use of constructor in the case of inheritance
- Use of final modifier in java
- Explain the dynamic dispatch method
- Abstract/incomplete method
- Abstract class
- Explain interface
- Difference between abstract class and interface
- multiple inheritance using interface
- About package
- Advantage of package in java
- Categorization of package
- inbuilt package
- user defined package
- Creating a sub package in a package
- Error in a java programming
- Exception
- Difference between error and exception
- Exception handling manually
- Multiple catch statement
- Use of finally block in java
- Types of exception
- on the basis of checking
- checked exception
- unchecked exception
- on the basis of definition
- Inbuilt Exception
- User defined Exception
- on the basis of checking
- About awt components
- About applet application
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