- Web Development
- Data Analytics
- Data Science with AI
- Cyber Security
- Python
- Django
- C Language
- C++
- Java Training
- Data Structure
- Algorithm
- Front-end Development
- JavaScript, jQuery & Ajax
- React.js
- Node.js & Express.js
- Oracle
- MongoDb
- Tally Prime
- Advance Excel
- TDS & Payroll

Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.
Regardless of how small or large your business is, Oracle offers a database solution that can lower IT costs, while maintaining security. Expand your business with a broad portfolio of database products, while discovering new insights from various data sources. By investing in Oracle Database Training, learn how this technology enables your business to consolidate onto database clouds and engineering systems.
Course Name | Date & Time | Take Demos |
Advance Diploma in Computer Application with Taxation (ADCAT) | 14/12/2023 | View Details |
Python Offer Batch | 27/11/2023 | View Details |
Core JAVA(J2SE) | 12/12/2023 | View Details |
C Language | 11/12/2023 | View Details |
DS(Data Structure) | 12/12/2023 | View Details |
Where it is used?
- Oracle databases are widely used in various industries for managing and storing large amounts of data.
- Oracle database is used in storing, retrieving and managing data in desktop and web applications.
- It is also widely used in cloud computing.
- Life time validity (enroll one time and revise many times)
- Interaction with the best faculty and Industry Experts
- Small Batches to focus on each student
- We focus on both theoretical and practical approaches in a parallel way.
- You will be given the opportunity to work on a live project.
- Outdoor activities to boost your confidence.
- Presentation in class by the students.
Our Key Features:
- Good Quality Material Notes
- Smart Classes Available
- Online Test
- Chapter wise Assignments
- Offline And Online Classes
- Recorded class on Rays App
- Eminent faculties of the IT Industry( Amazon, Wal-Mart, Oracle, Microsoft..)
- Fully AC and Wi-Fi Campus.
- Introduction to SQL
- Advantages of SQL
- Categorization of SQL
- Create Command
- To create an user
- To create a table
- Data type
- Naming convention of table or column in SQL
- Constraint/Restriction in SQL.
- (a) null
- (b) not null
- (c)unique
- (d) primary key
- (e) check
- (a) Relational / Comparison operators
- (b) Logical operators
- (c) Special operators
- Foreign key restriction / constraints
- On delete cascade restriction / constraints
- Enabling / Disabling constraint
- Alter command
- Add clause
- Add column into an existing table
- Add constraints/restriction to an existing column
- Drop clause
- To drop constraints from an existing column
- To drop column from an existing table
- Modify clause
- Modify a datatype/size of column
- Change null type column into not null and vice versa
- Add clause
- Drop command
- To drop an existing user
- To drop an existing table
- Truncate command
- Rename command
- Insert command
- (a) fixed / static method
- (b) Dynamic method
- Select command
(a) Select command with single table
- Renaming column heading in query result
- where clause
- Operators with select statement
- (a)Arithmetic operator
- (b)Relational/comparison operator
- (c)Logical operator
- Special operator
- About dual table
- About pseudo column
- -Level
- -Rownum
- -Sysdate
- -Uid
- Accepting a value interactively in query statement
- Concatenation in SQL
- Set operators with select statement
- Aggregate function
- Numeric function
- Character function
- Date function
- Group by clause
- Having clause
- Order by clause
(a) Select command with single table
- (b)Query based on multiple table
- Joining in multiple table query
- Types of joining
- (i) Equi joinin
- (ii) Natural joining
- (iii) Self joining
- (iv) Outer joining
- Subquery / nested query
- Types of subquery
- >>Subquery introduce with unmodified comparison operator
- >>Subquery introduce with
- (a) modified comparison operator
- (b) in and not in operator
- (c) co- related query
- >>Subquery introduce with exist or not exist
- Delete command used in single table
- Delete command used in multiple table
- Update command used on a single table
- Update used on a multiple table
- Create Command
- Commit command
- Rollback command
- Grant command
- Connect
- Resource
- Revoke
- Creating views
- Synonyms
- Features of PL/SQL
- Structure of PL/SQL block code
- Decleration section
- Executable section
- Exception handling section
- Types of block code into PL/SQL
- Anonymous block code
- Named block code
- Displaying contents on standard output device
- Variable creation into PL/SQL
- Datatype used in PL/SQL
- About cursor in PL/SQL
- implicit cursor
- explicit cursor
- Type of variable
- %type
- %rowtype
- About exception in PL/SQL
- Types of exception in PL/SQL
- System defined exception
- User defined exception
- if else structure
- nested if else structure
- Explicit cursor
- Looping structure
- (a) Loop….end loop
- (b) While….end loop
- (b) While….end loop
- About cursor attribute
- Nested of PL/SQL
- About trigger
- About intermediate place
- (a) :new
- (b) :old
- Types of trigger
- (a) Trigger to control a DML action (insert, delete, update)
- (b) Trigger to handle/control a database
- Multiple DML action into single trigger
- Advantages of function in PL/SQL
- Inbuilt function
- (a) String related function
- (b) Numeric related function
- (c) Date/Time related function
- User defined function
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