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CPP Image Rays


This language is majorly a superset of C language. C++ is portable and can be used to develop applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms. It gives a clear concept of object-oriented programming and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs.

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Core Java 03/06/2024 View Details
User Interface(UI) 03/06/2024 View Details
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Where it is used?

Cpp language is mostly used in the following application:

  • Games
  • Graphics user interface application
  • Web browser
  • Advance computation and graphics
  • Database software
  • Operating system
  • Enterprise application
  • Compilers


  • Life time validity (enroll one time and revise many times)
  • Interaction with the best faculty and Industry Experts
  • Small Batches to focus on each student
  • We focus on both theoretical and practical approaches in a parallel way.
  • You will be given the opportunity to work on a live project.
  • Outdoor activities to boost your confidence.
  • Presentation in class by the students.

Our Key Features:

  • Good Quality Material Notes
  • Smart Classes Available
  • Online Test
  • Chapter wise Assignments
  • Offline And Online Classes
  • Recorded class on Rays App
  • Eminent faculties of the IT Industry( Amazon, Wal-Mart, Oracle, Microsoft..)
  • Fully AC and Wi-Fi Campus.


C++ (Object-Oriented Language)

  • About class and object
  • Features of object oriented language
    • Encapsulation
    • Data abstraction or abstraction
    • Polymorphism
    • Inheritance

  • Evaluation of C++
  • Programming paradigms
  • Advantages of oop
  • Some object oriented languages

  • About source code of c++
  • Compiling, linking and executing a c++ application
  • Stream hierarchy
  • Output using predefined object cout
    • Escape sequence character
  • Input using predefined object cin
  • Typecasting with cout statement
  • Member function of ostream class
    • (i) put() (ii) get() (iii) write() (iv) width() (v) fill()
  • Member function of istream class
    • (i) peek() (ii) ignore() (iii) read()
  • Manipulators used with cout
    • (i) endl (ii) hex (iii) oct

  • Major differences between C++ and C
  • Basic term of c language
  • Use of access operator

  • Use of new operator
  • Use of delete operator

  • Object oriented methodology
  • Defining class using reserved word class and struct
  • About access specifier
  • Allocating object in c++
    • Allocating object at compile time
    • Allocating object at run-time
  • Accessing and allocating object in different region
    • Use of dot(.) operator
    • Use of arrow (->) operator
    • Allocating object into different memory region
  • Defining member function outside class
  • Use of this pointer in c++
  • Use of constructor in c++
    • About constructor and properties of constructor
    • Types of constructor in c++
      • Default constructor
      • Overloaded constructor
      • Copy constructor
  • Object assignment
  • Accepting object as an argument
    • Accepting object as a value
    • Accepting object as a address
    • Accepting object as a reference
  • Returning object as an argument
    • return as a value
    • return as an address
    • return as a reference
  • About copy constructor
  • Member data allocated dynamically
  • Use of destructor in c++
  • Use of static reserved word in c++
  • About friend function and friend class
  • Array of objects

  • Introduction to operator overloading
  • Overloading Arithmetic operators
  • Overloading Comparison/relational operators
  • Overloading assignment operator
  • Overloading inserter (<<) and extractor (>>) operator
  • Operator overloading concept for string manipulation
  • Overloading increment (++) and decrement (--) operator
  • Conversion from class type to basic data type
  • Conversion from basic to class type

  • Explain the concept of inheritance
  • Use of protected access specifier in case of inheritance
  • About overriding and overridden member
  • Use of constructor and destructor in case of inheritance
  • Use of access specifier in the case of inheritance
  • Type of inheritance
    • Single inheritance
    • Multiple inheritance
    • Hierarchal inheritance
    • Multi level inheritance
    • Hybrid inheritance
    • Multi-path inheritance
  • Early / static / fixed binding
  • Dynamic binding / virtual function
  • Pure virtual function / abstract class
  • Access violation error
  • Ambiguities found in cases of inheritance

  • Introduction to template
  • Need of template
  • About template / generic function and class

  • Introduction to exception handling
  • Use of keyword try, throw and catch
  • Exception handling mechanism

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