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Front-end Development

Dive into the exciting world of web development with our comprehensive Frontend Web Development Bootcamp. This course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to build stunning, responsive, and user-friendly websites from scratch. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, our step-by-step curriculum will guide you through the core technologies and tools used by professional web developers.

Course Name Date & Time Take Demos
Core Java 03/06/2024 View Details
User Interface(UI) 03/06/2024 View Details
React.js Starting Soon... View Details
MySQL Starting Soon... View Details
ADCAT Starting Soon... View Details

What You Will Learn:

  • HTML5: Master the structure of web pages by learning HTML5, the latest standard in web markup language. You'll learn how to create semantic, accessible, and SEO-friendly websites.
  • CSS3: Style your websites with CSS3, including advanced techniques like Flexbox, Grid, animations, and responsive design to ensure your websites look great on all devices.
  • JavaScript: Bring your websites to life with JavaScript. You'll learn the fundamentals of programming, how to manipulate the DOM, and create interactive features that enhance user experience.
  • Frameworks and Libraries: Get hands-on experience with popular frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js to build dynamic and modern web applications efficiently.
  • Version Control with Git: Learn how to manage your code with Git, enabling you to track changes, collaborate with others, and deploy your projects seamlessly.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your websites are mobile-friendly and look great on any screen size by mastering responsive design techniques.
  • APIs and AJAX: Understand how to interact with web APIs and use AJAX to load data dynamically without refreshing the page, creating seamless user experiences.
  • Build Tools and Workflow: Get familiar with essential development tools like Webpack, Babel, and npm to streamline your development process and enhance productivity.

Course Features:

  • Projects: Apply what you've learned by building real-world projects, including a personal portfolio, a blog, and a fully functional e-commerce website.
  • Interactive Exercises: Engage with interactive coding challenges and quizzes to reinforce your learning and track your progress.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with years of experience in web development who provide valuable insights, tips, and personalized feedback.
  • Community Support: Join a vibrant community of fellow learners, participate in forums, and collaborate on projects to enhance your learning experience.
  • Career Guidance: Receive career advice, resume reviews, and interview preparation to help you land your dream job in web development.

Where it is used?

  • Websites:
    • Corporate and Business Websites: To create visually appealing and user-friendly websites for businesses to promote their products and services.
    • E-commerce Websites: To build interactive online stores with seamless navigation, product displays, shopping carts, and secure checkout processes.
    • Blogs and Personal Websites: To design and develop engaging platforms for sharing content, personal portfolios, and branding.
  • Web Applications:
    • Social Media Platforms: To develop interactive and dynamic user interfaces for social networking sites where users can connect, share, and communicate.
    • Content Management Systems (CMS): To create easy-to-use interfaces for managing website content without needing deep technical knowledge.
    • Online Education Platforms: To build engaging and interactive e-learning platforms with quizzes, videos, and discussion forums.
  • Mobile Applications:
    • Responsive Web Design: To ensure websites are accessible and user-friendly on various devices, including smartphones and tablets, through responsive design techniques.
    • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): To develop web applications that offer a native app-like experience on mobile devices.
  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design:
    • UI Components: To create reusable and modular UI components like buttons, forms, navigation bars, and sliders that enhance the overall look and feel of a website or application.
    • Interactive Elements: To add interactive features like animations, tooltips, modals, and carousels that improve user engagement and experience.
  • Dashboards and Data Visualization:
    • Business Intelligence Tools: To develop dashboards for visualizing data insights, metrics, and analytics in an intuitive and interactive manner.
    • Admin Panels: To build backend interfaces for managing and monitoring web applications and user data.
  • Interactive Marketing:
    • Landing Pages: To design compelling landing pages for marketing campaigns, driving conversions and capturing leads.
    • Interactive Ads: To create engaging and interactive advertisements that enhance user interaction and engagement.
  • Cross-Platform Development:
    • Single Page Applications (SPAs): To create fast and responsive SPAs using frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js, providing a seamless user experience without page reloads.
    • Hybrid Mobile Apps: To develop mobile apps that run on multiple platforms using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Collaborative and Communication Tools:
    • Project Management Tools: To build user-friendly interfaces for project management applications that facilitate team collaboration and task tracking.
    • Chat Applications: To develop real-time messaging and collaboration tools for effective communication.


  • Life time validity (enroll one time and revise many times)
  • Interaction with the best faculty and Industry Experts
  • Small Batches to focus on each student
  • We focus on both theoretical and practical approaches in a parallel way.
  • You will be given the opportunity to work on a live project.
  • Outdoor activities to boost your confidence.
  • Presentation in class by the students.

Our Key Features:

  • Good Quality Material Notes
  • Smart Classes Available
  • Online Test
  • Chapter wise Assignments
  • Offline And Online Classes
  • Recorded class on Rays App
  • Eminent faculties of the IT Industry( Amazon, Wal-Mart, Oracle, Microsoft..)
  • Fully AC and Wi-Fi Campus.


Front-end Development

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • HTML5 Basics
  • HTML5 Tags & Attribute
  • Concept to DIV
  • HTML5 Formatting
  • HTML5 Tables
  • HTML5 Blocks
  • HTML5 Links & Lists
  • HTML5 iframe
  • HTML5 Classes
  • HTML5 Computer code
  • HTML5 URL concept
  • HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Media
  • HTML5 New Tags / Features

  • CSS3 Introduction
  • CSS3 Workflow
  • CSS3 Icons & Text
  • CSS3 Margin & Padding
  • CSS3 Colors & Borders
  • CSS3 Selectors
  • CSS3 Pseudo-class
  • CSS3 Pseudo-elements
  • CSS3 Tables
  • CSS3 Navigation-Bar
  • CSS3 Combinators
  • CSS3 Tooltips
  • CSS3 Image Gallery
  • CSS3 Image Sprites
  • CSS3 Attribute selectors
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Forms
  • CSS3 Counter
  • CSS3 2D/3D
  • CSS3 Transition & CSS3 UI
  • CSS3 Box Decoration
  • CSS3 Responsive
  • Introduction to Bootstrap 5
  • Bootstrap 5 Typography
  • Bootstrap 5 Tables, Button, Image
  • Customization of Bootstrap class
  • SAAS in Bootstrap

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Date & Time in
  • How to use JavaScript
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript output
  • If else, nested if else & Switch case in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Comments
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Variables and Data Type
  • JavaScript Jump Statements
  • JavaScript Selectors
  • JavaScript Array
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Most used Methods
  • JavaScript Object/ Functions/ Scope
  • JavaScript Error Handling
  • JavaScript Events
  • JavaScript Form Handling
  • JavaScript String Operations
  • JavaScript Number Operations

  • Introduction to jQuery
  • jQuery UI animation
  • How to use jQuery
  • jQuery user alerts
  • jQuery event methods
  • jquery Traversing
  • jQuery most used methods
  • Introduction to Ajax
  • jQuery work with HTML & CSS
  • How to use Ajax
  • jQuery From Validation
  • Ajax Call Validation
  • Use of Ajax Between Interface and Backend

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