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Web Development Rays

Web Development

Do you love using Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp Or binge-watching and chilling with Netflix and Amazon Prime? Feeling hungry but not willing to go out, imagine how smooth it is to search and order your groceries at a single click. Doesn't this sound amazing, everything just a few clicks away?
Definitely yes, now you must be thinking how this works, who does this, how is this done, what's the mechanism behind these?
It's the full stack developer who is at work making it possible for you and millions of other people using the applications and websites at the same time so smooth and user friendly. A full stack developer is a person who possesses the skills to build and maintain the applications and websites. He designes both the front-end and back-end and also works with the database management.

Course Name Date & Time Take Demos
Core Java 03/06/2024 View Details
User Interface(UI) 03/06/2024 View Details
React.js Starting Soon... View Details
MySQL Starting Soon... View Details
ADCAT Starting Soon... View Details

Why Full Stack Web Development?

  • In Demand and High Pay: Since the world is dynamically turning towards technology, online presence of everything has become the basic requirement of any business. The role of a developer comes into picture and has been in great demand as everyone who wants an online presence needs to hire a website developer. And this has also resulted in one of the most highly paid jobs of the industry.

  • Great Career Prospects: There are ample number of IT based career opportunities once you get your hands over the technology, you can master as Front-end developer, Back-end developer, database analyst and also a full stack web developer. One can also work from home as a freelancer and can also secure a full time job.

  • No Technical background required: Anyone who wants to become a full stack developer doesn't need to be from a technical background only. Full stack is an open playing field for everyone across any background.

Full Stack Web Development Rays


  • Life time validity (enroll one time and revise many times)
  • Interaction with the best faculty and Industry Experts
  • Small Batches to focus on each student
  • We focus on both theoretical and practical approaches in a parallel way.
  • You will be given the opportunity to work on a live project.
  • Outdoor activities to boost your confidence.
  • Presentation in class by the students.

Our Key Features:

  • Good Quality Material Notes
  • Smart Classes Available
  • Online Test
  • Chapter wise Assignments
  • Offline And Online Classes
  • Recorded class on Rays App
  • Eminent faculties of the IT Industry( Amazon, Wal-Mart, Oracle, Microsoft..)
  • Fully AC and Wi-Fi Campus.

Full Stack Web Development in Python

  • Introduction and Importance of Python
  • Fundamental of Python
  • Variable and Data types
  • Operators in Python
  • String in Python
  • List & Tuple in Python
  • Set & Dictionary in Python
  • Decision Making / if else / nested if else
  • Looping Structure
  • Control Statements
  • Date & Time in Python
  • Functions
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Modules
  • File I/O handling
  • OS File / Directory methods
  • Object Oriented Concept
  • Exception Handling
  • GUI Programming in Python
  • Regular Expressions
  • CGI Programming
  • Database Connectivity in Python
  • Sending Email using SMTP
  • XML Processing
  • Multithreading
  • Networking in Python
  • Matplotlib & Turtle
  • 5 Mini Projects (Counter App, Calculator, Game, QR Generator, Graphics design)

  • Introduction in Django Web Framework
  • Templates and Forms
  • Views in Django
  • Models in Django
  • URL mapping in Django
  • Dynamic Webpages in Django
  • Cookies in Django
  • File Handling in Django
  • Django Apache Setup
  • Django Sessions

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • HTML5 Basics
  • HTML5 Tags & Attribute
  • Concept to DIV
  • HTML5 Formatting
  • HTML5 Tables
  • HTML5 Blocks
  • HTML5 Links & Lists
  • HTML5 iframe
  • HTML5 Classes
  • HTML5 Computer code
  • HTML5 URL concept
  • HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Media
  • HTML5 New Tags / Features

  • CSS3 Introduction
  • CSS3 Workflow
  • CSS3 Icons & Text
  • CSS3 Margin & Padding
  • CSS3 Colors & Borders
  • CSS3 Selectors
  • CSS3 Pseudo-class
  • CSS3 Pseudo-elements
  • CSS3 Tables
  • CSS3 Navigation-Bar
  • CSS3 Combinators
  • CSS3 Tooltips
  • CSS3 Image Gallery
  • CSS3 Image Sprites
  • CSS3 Attribute selectors
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Forms
  • CSS3 Counter
  • CSS3 2D/3D
  • CSS3 Transition & CSS3 UI
  • CSS3 Box Decoration
  • CSS3 Responsive
  • Introduction to Bootstrap 5
  • Bootstrap 5 Typography
  • Bootstrap 5 Tables, Button, Image
  • Customization of Bootstrap class
  • SAAS in Bootstrap

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Date & Time in
  • How to use JavaScript
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript output
  • If else, nested if else & Switch case in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Comments
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Variables and Data Type
  • JavaScript Jump Statements
  • JavaScript Selectors
  • JavaScript Array
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Most used Methods
  • JavaScript Object/ Functions/ Scope
  • JavaScript Error Handling
  • JavaScript Events
  • JavaScript Form Handling
  • JavaScript String Operations
  • JavaScript Number Operations

  • Introduction to jQuery
  • jQuery UI animation
  • How to use jQuery
  • jQuery user alerts
  • jQuery event methods
  • jquery Traversing
  • jQuery most used methods
  • Introduction to Ajax
  • jQuery work with HTML & CSS
  • How to use Ajax
  • jQuery From Validation
  • Ajax Call Validation
  • Use of Ajax Between Interface and Backend

  • Introduction to React
  • Node and NPM
  • Components in React.js
  • Creating a simple React.js Project
  • Introduction to JSX
  • React works, Virtual DOM
  • Props, Composition, CSS Styling, SPA with React.js
  • React State Management & Working with events
  • User Input & Working with multiple states
  • Control vs Uncontrolled Components
  • Rendering List & Conditional Contents
  • Styling React Components
  • Working with Fragments, Portals & Refs
  • Handling Side Effects using Reducer & Context API
  • Hook & Dependencies
  • Building Custom React Hooks
  • Redux & Alternative to the Context API

  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Basic MySQL syntax
  • Schema Design methodology
  • Create / Select / Drop / Copy of Database
  • Create Table
  • Constraints in MySQL
  • Alter Table
  • Insert / Select / Delete / Update Records
  • Rollback, Commit and Grant

  • Introduction to ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT for Web Development
  • Code Generation using ChatGPT
  • Debugging using ChatGPT
  • Code Optimization using ChatGPT
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of ChatGPT
  • Profile, Resume creation with ChatGPT

  • Intro to VCS
  • Types of VCS
  • What is Git, GitHub
  • Git Installation
  • Configuring Git
  • Connecting Git with GitHub
  • Basic Git & GitHub Workflow
  • Git Branching & Merging
  • Git Clone
  • Resolve Merge Conflict
  • How to setup & upload Project on GitHub
  • How to PUSH & Pull Project

Full Stack Web Development in PHP

  • History of PHP
  • Configuration & installation
  • Area of PHP
  • Scope of PHP
  • How to run the PHP
  • Introduction of IIS and Installation of IIS.
  • Runtime configuration
  • Comparing the PHP and other language
  • How to use and learn the PHP
  • Editors in PHP
  • First program as “Hello World”
  • Basic concept of PHP programming
  • Variable
  • Operators and expressions
  • Accessing PHP and http data
  • Concept of State
  • Control statement and loops
  • Array
  • Function
  • Robust and healthy code
  • Oops features in PHP
  • Error and exception handling in PHP
  • Data and time
  • Forms in PHP
  • Session in PHP
  • Manage the file in PHP
  • Generating thumbnail images

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • HTML5 Basics
  • HTML5 Tags & Attribute
  • Concept to DIV
  • HTML5 Formatting
  • HTML5 Tables
  • HTML5 Blocks
  • HTML5 Links & Lists
  • HTML5 iframe
  • HTML5 Classes
  • HTML5 Computer code
  • HTML5 URL concept
  • HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Media
  • HTML5 New Tags / Features

  • CSS3 Introduction
  • CSS3 Workflow
  • CSS3 Icons & Text
  • CSS3 Margin & Padding
  • CSS3 Colors & Borders
  • CSS3 Selectors
  • CSS3 Pseudo-class
  • CSS3 Pseudo-elements
  • CSS3 Tables
  • CSS3 Navigation-Bar
  • CSS3 Combinators
  • CSS3 Tooltips
  • CSS3 Image Gallery
  • CSS3 Image Sprites
  • CSS3 Attribute selectors
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Forms
  • CSS3 Counter
  • CSS3 2D/3D
  • CSS3 Transition & CSS3 UI
  • CSS3 Box Decoration
  • CSS3 Responsive
  • Introduction to Bootstrap 5
  • Bootstrap 5 Typography
  • Bootstrap 5 Tables, Button, Image
  • Customization of Bootstrap class
  • SAAS in Bootstrap

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Date & Time in
  • How to use JavaScript
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript output
  • If else, nested if else & Switch case in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Comments
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Variables and Data Type
  • JavaScript Jump Statements
  • JavaScript Selectors
  • JavaScript Array
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Most used Methods
  • JavaScript Object/ Functions/ Scope
  • JavaScript Error Handling
  • JavaScript Events
  • JavaScript Form Handling
  • JavaScript String Operations
  • JavaScript Number Operations

  • Introduction to jQuery
  • jQuery UI animation
  • How to use jQuery
  • jQuery user alerts
  • jQuery event methods
  • jquery Traversing
  • jQuery most used methods
  • Introduction to Ajax
  • jQuery work with HTML & CSS
  • How to use Ajax
  • jQuery From Validation
  • Ajax Call Validation
  • Use of Ajax Between Interface and Backend

  • Introduction to React
  • Node and NPM
  • Components in React.js
  • Creating a simple React.js Project
  • Introduction to JSX
  • React works, Virtual DOM
  • Props, Composition, CSS Styling, SPA with React.js
  • React State Management & Working with events
  • User Input & Working with multiple states
  • Control vs Uncontrolled Components
  • Rendering List & Conditional Contents
  • Styling React Components
  • Working with Fragments, Portals & Refs
  • Handling Side Effects using Reducer & Context API
  • Hook & Dependencies
  • Building Custom React Hooks
  • Redux & Alternative to the Context API

  • Introduction to MySQL
  • Basic MySQL syntax
  • Schema Design methodology
  • Create / Select / Drop / Copy of Database
  • Create Table
  • Constraints in MySQL
  • Alter Table
  • Insert / Select / Delete / Update Records
  • Rollback, Commit and Grant

  • Introduction to ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT for Web Development
  • Code Generation using ChatGPT
  • Debugging using ChatGPT
  • Code Optimization using ChatGPT
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of ChatGPT
  • Profile, Resume creation with ChatGPT

  • Intro to VCS
  • Types of VCS
  • What is Git, GitHub
  • Git Installation
  • Configuring Git
  • Connecting Git with GitHub
  • Basic Git & GitHub Workflow
  • Git Branching & Merging
  • Git Clone
  • Resolve Merge Conflict
  • How to setup & upload Project on GitHub
  • How to PUSH & Pull Project

MERN Full Stack Web Development

  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Advance JavaScript
  • Blocking and Non-Blocking
  • Event loop
  • Basic Web server in Node.js using http module
  • NPM
  • Render HTML tags & File
  • Installing third party NPM Modules
  • How Node.js Works Under the hood
  • Process,thread & thread pools
  • How to use NPM command Line

  • What is Express.js and Why use it
  • CRUD API using MongoDB
  • Basic Routing in Express
  • Monogoose 7 CRUD API using Mongoose
  • REST API (Postman)
  • File Uploads using Formidable
  • Get Data from frontend (req.body, req.params and req.query)
  • Java Script function (Map, Filter, Reduce)
  • 3rd Party API
  • Authentication & Authorization
  • Middleware
  • Security Implementation and Best practices
  • Routing
  • Express API with Database
  • Database Connectivity using MongoDB

  • Introduction to HTML5
  • HTML5 Basics
  • HTML5 Tags & Attribute
  • Concept to DIV
  • HTML5 Formatting
  • HTML5 Tables
  • HTML5 Blocks
  • HTML5 Links & Lists
  • HTML5 iframe
  • HTML5 Classes
  • HTML5 Computer code
  • HTML5 URL concept
  • HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Media
  • HTML5 New Tags / Features

  • CSS3 Introduction
  • CSS3 Workflow
  • CSS3 Icons & Text
  • CSS3 Margin & Padding
  • CSS3 Colors & Borders
  • CSS3 Selectors
  • CSS3 Pseudo-class
  • CSS3 Pseudo-elements
  • CSS3 Tables
  • CSS3 Navigation-Bar
  • CSS3 Combinators
  • CSS3 Tooltips
  • CSS3 Image Gallery
  • CSS3 Image Sprites
  • CSS3 Attribute selectors
  • CSS3 Gradients
  • CSS3 Forms
  • CSS3 Counter
  • CSS3 2D/3D
  • CSS3 Transition & CSS3 UI
  • CSS3 Box Decoration
  • CSS3 Responsive
  • Introduction to Bootstrap 5
  • Bootstrap 5 Typography
  • Bootstrap 5 Tables, Button, Image
  • Customization of Bootstrap class
  • SAAS in Bootstrap

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Date & Time in
  • How to use JavaScript
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript output
  • If else, nested if else & Switch case in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Comments
  • JavaScript Loops
  • JavaScript Variables and Data Type
  • JavaScript Jump Statements
  • JavaScript Selectors
  • JavaScript Array
  • JavaScript Operators
  • JavaScript Most used Methods
  • JavaScript Object/ Functions/ Scope
  • JavaScript Error Handling
  • JavaScript Events
  • JavaScript Form Handling
  • JavaScript String Operations
  • JavaScript Number Operations

  • Introduction to jQuery
  • jQuery UI animation
  • How to use jQuery
  • jQuery user alerts
  • jQuery event methods
  • jquery Traversing
  • jQuery most used methods
  • Introduction to Ajax
  • jQuery work with HTML & CSS
  • How to use Ajax
  • jQuery From Validation
  • Ajax Call Validation
  • Use of Ajax Between Interface and Backend

  • Introduction to React
  • Node and NPM
  • Components in React.js
  • Creating a simple React.js Project
  • Introduction to JSX
  • React works, Virtual DOM
  • Props, Composition, CSS Styling, SPA with React.js
  • React State Management & Working with events
  • User Input & Working with multiple states
  • Control vs Uncontrolled Components
  • Rendering List & Conditional Contents
  • Styling React Components
  • Working with Fragments, Portals & Refs
  • Handling Side Effects using Reducer & Context API
  • Hook & Dependencies
  • Building Custom React Hooks
  • Redux & Alternative to the Context API

  • Difference between NoSQL & RDBMS
  • Benefits of NoSQL
  • Installation of MongoDB
  • Introduction to MongoDB
    • Design goals
    • Mongo shell
    • Introduction & Structure of JSON
    • Basic Commands on Mongo Shell
  • CRUD Operation in Mongo Shell
    • Creating, Reading & Updating
    • Update of Embedded Document
    • Query Operators
  • Data Modeling
  • Storage Classes
  • Aggregation
  • MongoDB Replication

  • Introduction to ChatGPT
  • ChatGPT for Web Development
  • Code Generation using ChatGPT
  • Debugging using ChatGPT
  • Code Optimization using ChatGPT
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of ChatGPT
  • Profile, Resume creation with ChatGPT

  • Intro to VCS
  • Types of VCS
  • What is Git, GitHub
  • Git Installation
  • Configuring Git
  • Connecting Git with GitHub
  • Basic Git & GitHub Workflow
  • Git Branching & Merging
  • Git Clone
  • Resolve Merge Conflict
  • How to setup & upload Project on GitHub
  • How to PUSH & Pull Project

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