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PHP Backend Rays

PHP Training

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open-source scripting language that is primarily designed for web development. It is a server-side scripting language, which means it is executed on the server and generates HTML or other output to be sent to the client's web browser. PHP is embedded directly within HTML code, allowing developers to mix PHP code with HTML markup seamlessly.

Course Name Date & Time Take Demos
Core Java 03/06/2024 View Details
User Interface(UI) 03/06/2024 View Details
React.js Starting Soon... View Details
MySQL Starting Soon... View Details
ADCAT Starting Soon... View Details

Where it is used?


  • Life time validity (enroll one time and revise many times)
  • Interaction with the best faculty and Industry Experts
  • Small Batches to focus on each student
  • We focus on both theoretical and practical approaches in a parallel way.
  • You will be given the opportunity to work on a live project.
  • Outdoor activities to boost your confidence.
  • Presentation in class by the students.

Our Key Features:

  • Good Quality Material Notes
  • Smart Classes Available
  • Online Test
  • Chapter wise Assignments
  • Offline And Online Classes
  • Recorded class on Rays App
  • Eminent faculties of the IT Industry( Amazon, Wal-Mart, Oracle, Microsoft..)
  • Fully AC and Wi-Fi Campus.


PHP Training

  • History of PHP
  • Configuration & installation
    • PHP
    • Apache
    • MySQL
  • Area of PHP
  • Scope of PHP
  • How to run the PHP
  • Introduction of IIS and Installation of IIS.
  • Runtime configuration
  • Comparing the PHP and other language
  • How to use and learn the PHP

  • Dreamweaver
  • Notepad
  • Notepad++
  • PHP development tools
  • Zend studio

  • Explore some details
  • How PHP code works
  • How online PHP program run
  • What is TCP/IP
  • The http protocol

  • Commenting your code (single & multiple)
  • Outputting data to the browsers
    • Print()
    • echo
    • Printf()
    • sprintf()
  • What is html?
  • How to connect the PHP and html
  • Html and PHP control and tags
  • Introduction of CSS and xml

  • What is variables
  • Why need of variables
  • Types of variables
  • Declaration of variables
  • Naming rules in PHP
  • Data types
  • Scope of variables
    • Global
    • Static

  • What is operator
  • Types of operator
  • PHP expressions

  • Html tag
  • The HTML Documents
  • Create a form and input element
  • Html form element, html form fields and PHP
  • PHP and html
  • Accessing PHP and http data
    • Predefined variables
    • Variables in http request and response
    • Super global arrays
  • Concept of State
    • State maintenance
    • Native session in PHP
  • Control statement and loops
    • If-else
    • Switch Case
    • While Loop
    • Do While
    • For Loop

  • What is Array
  • Creating Array
  • Extracting Array
  • Initializes the array
  • Adding and removing array elements
  • Traversing array
  • Moving the array
  • Determine the array size
  • Sorting arrays
  • Merging slicing and dissecting arrays
  • Some useful function
    • (Key (), current (), next (), prev (), prev (), list (), sort () etc.)
  • Multi dimensional array

  • What is Function
  • Function Types
  • Invoke the Function
  • Call by Reference
  • Call by Value
  • Default Arguements
  • Recursive Function
  • Create own Function

  • Testing and debugging
  • Debugging PHP script
  • Debugging and handling errors in PHP
  • Form validation
  • Handling error gracefully

  • Object cloning
  • Cloning example
  • Inheritance , implementing , interface and abstract class
  • Creating object and class
  • Create module & class

  • Object cloning
  • Cloning example
  • Inheritance , implementing , interface and abstract class
  • Creating object and class
  • Create module & class

  • PHP date and time library
  • Validating dates
  • Formatting date
  • Converting a time to user friendly values

  • PHP and web page
  • Create a simple form
  • Use the all controls in creation of the form

  • What is session and how they work
  • Creating PHP session
  • Creating and destroying session variables
  • Destroying session
  • Using sessions to restrict access
  • Using file based authentication
  • Encrypting passwords
  • Setting a time limit on session
  • Passing information through multi page form

  • Reading a file with fopen()
  • Replacing content with fopen()
  • Appending content with fopen()
  • Combined read/write operational with fopen()
  • Moving the internal painter
  • Checking that PHP has permissions to open a file.
  • Configuration setting that affect file access

  • Checking your servers capabilities
  • Manipulating images dynamically
  • Making a smaller copy of an images
  • Resizing an images automatically an upload
  • Transferring your test files to a remote server

  • What is database
  • Database architecture
  • Setting MySQl (installation and configuration)
  • Relational database
  • Connecting to MySQl From PHP
  • Basic connection functions
  • Handling server errors
  • Creating database and table from MySQl
  • Alerting tables
  • Insert data into a table

  • Server functions
  • Retrieving fields

  • Insert records using PHP
  • Special character
  • Html special chars()
  • Updating , deleting records in table
  • Working in date and time type fields
  • Enum options and fields defaults
  • Create a user registration script
  • Creating a user manager
  • Creating an acess lagger script

  • Storing uploaded files
  • Creating the database table for image data
  • Controlling uploaded images with database
  • Uploading image
  • Sending images
  • Managing the blog post images
  • Automatically loading blog post image

  • Creating the search tools
  • Adding the search form
  • Handling search request
  • Querying search request
  • Displaying the search index
  • Types of searches

  • Creating a new blog manager controller action
  • Displaying your first goggle map
  • Managing locations on the map

  • Adding user registration to the application
  • Creating the form processor for user registration
  • Creating the login template
  • Adding successful and failed login attempts
  • Dealing with forgotten password
  • Functions for resetting password adding automatically e-mail functionality
  • Create the account home page
  • Allowing users to update their details

  • DNS
  • Services
  • Establishing socket connections
  • Mail
  • Configuration directives
  • Sending e-mail using a PHP script
  • Common networking
    • Paging a server
    • Creating a port scanner
    • Creating a subnet converter
    • Testing user bandwidth

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